Week of Prayer – January 2015

Monday 5th 1pm,   Psalm 46

My fire will not be quenched, but do not fear, I will have my way. Reminded of the fires in Australia, devastating but, there are trees that will only germinate in the intense heat of fire, we need Gods refining fire to give us new growth. He says, “ my fire is not a wildfire it will only burn up the dross”.

Picture of the sea and sky on the horizon, where they come together, there is no gap, no matter where you look the sea and the sky isn’t separated, that is His love for us, no gaps.

Britain’s extreme weather may worry us, but He is in control, you might think you’re in trouble, but He is in control.

Exodus 15, Moses song (form of mirror of Ps 46) – unbelievable witness of the work of God, its time to truly believe His words and live in them. I AM, therefore I can be trusted – believe Him.

Spend more time with me.

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. It came to pass, not stay.  The Lord is always moving us on

Romans 8 35-39.

Feeling that this first session is like a “stake” in the ground which will anchor us in the coming sessions.

Monday 19.30   Psalm 46

Is. 6 1-3

Picture from the film 10 million years BC, where the rock monoliths are forced up during volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, people were running around terrified because they had no idea what was happening. They had never seen anything like it before. We shouldn’t be like that, when things happen, scary things, which we have not seen before, we should not panic. Ps 46, Do not fear. The Lord of hosts is with us.

Picture of Russian dancer, a Cossack, turned into a ballerina, into a gypsy into a peasant – all were different but all were dancing, felt God was saying, don’t despise the flavours that I will bring to the meal.

Set of Christmas lights, in old days if one bulb went it had to be replaced to make the lights work again, now they just carries on without it. If someone leaves, God will work with what we've got. Psalm 78

My beloved rest in me. I am your father and I love you. Do not be afraid, never fear I am with you, your shield and protector with my everlasting arms around you. There is always enough with me, do not look to the left or the right but stay focused on me your lover and your friend. Do you not feel my soft breath against your skin and the gentle breeze as I pass you by. You are my beloved and I am your God. Never forget that I chose you, you did not choose Me but I chose you so that I could lavish my love on you and make you whole. There is a whole new world waiting for you, my world, my kingdom. Come step into it with me. Come take your place I am waiting for you with my arms open wide, run to me my love, I am waiting for you my beloved my bride.

Picture of a girl in a field and on the ground in front of her is a dead sparrow, a pair of hands come down and pick up the bird and a tear falls to the ground, Matthew 10 29-31.

Realisation and Awakening

Picture of a lion lying down, we are lying with it, comfortable, safe, peaceful; it’s a safe place a stronghold. Then the lion roaring over us, saying this one is mine. The power of Jesus in us will make evil tremble and want to stay away, the realisation of who He really is, is to be awakened in us.

Whilst we were singing, felt Him say this is my body, and swept His hand around the room in gentleness but with power. You are to cherish it, grow it, nurture it, heal it. Feeling of the flow of life from the head (Jesus) to the body (us), we are truly one with Him, recognise that we are the body of Christ.

Sea scape, boats bobbing up and down, suddenly a ball of light, powerful, mighty, hits the water – every boat is blown out of the water. He is going to blow each one of us out of the water with a new revelation of the true Him.

Pray for each other, that no-one will settle with what they have got right now.

God wants us to grow with Him, not to be afraid but trust in Him.

Holy, Holy, Holy, take it in.

None can pluck us from His hand.

Tuesday 1pm.

 1 Cor 13 v 1-3

Picture of a baby, loved, cared for, looked after – but then as it grew there was training and letting go to experience life, then as a young adult, greater training still, but potentially pitfalls as the world crashes in. Some of which if pursued can affect their whole life. Need to keep going as we are growing and as we are released into the world more and more, there is a need to “keep” one another safe.

Alignment –He is calling us into alignment with our spirit, each other, will of God. I am opening hearts and eyes to my desire and purpose. I am bringing your spirits into alignment with mine. I am causing my people to look with fresh eyes. I am causing them to see beyond the veil. I am looking for laid down lovers willing to step out of the boat, willing to take a risk for me. You are entering into a fresh season, time is short. Remember that I love you, you are not alone.

Accountable – God is making us accountable, we are entering into a season of accountability.

Sometimes we are unfaithful people…..you may not be what you want to be, but God says I am going to do it anyway.

There is an open door for us to walk through for what God is inviting us to do, walk through it.

We all run together but even at different speeds we all get there together.

Tuesday 7.30pm

 1 Cor 13 v 1-3

Revelation – second best is not good enough.

Picture of us running – it’s not a strain we are happy - through fields and woods and running with us are animals of all sorts but what sticks out are deer especially the stag. They are keeping pace with us, among us.  ~If someone tires then they carry us.  Felt God say, “This is as it was meant to be and I am restoring it to you”. Scripture says all of creation is waiting for the sons of men to be revealed.

Cry of God, “I just wish you knew how much I love you”.

Sometimes when I don’t do what you want me to do I sense a pulling away, bewilderment, sorrow. At these times, remember one day we will meet face to face and then you will wish that you hadn’t pulled away, just trust me.

Picture of 2 bridges, 1 a rickety wooden bridge and one a solid brick built bridge. See the fellowship standing on the wooden bridge, God says I am well pleased with you at the Merley Centre, there is no pride in you, you are not chasing after a “better building”.  The brick bridge built on pride is then washed away.

See the fellowship at Lands End , sunset, we are praising God, people around are asking what we are doing, it’s because of what God has done, Then at sun rise and we are praising God, people ask why, because this is the day that the Lord has made, we are expectant of what He is about to do. Proverbs 13 v 1.

Picture of Phil in a circle of children, skipping around first one way then the other, felt God said you shouldn’t be like that but to be led like a child, simple of faith.

1 Cor 10 v12-14

Sense this is a season or time for personal growth, greater intimacy as individuals, spend time with Him, learn and become strong in him. Psalm 139.

Picture of a wind tunnel with a person standing in it. Their sin is blocking the flow of air, God says come into alignment with me, get rid of the sin, and it is blown away by the wind OR I will blow harder and you will go with it.

A watch with all its cogs and wheels only works when in alignment, when it comes out of alignment – it stops.

You are my children, come with me, follow me.

Fear not, do not be afraid, I am with you whatever you are going through in the world.

Wednesday 1pm.

Psalm 23

Rain, rain, rain, the extreme weather has been described as the result of the jet streams slowing down so that when it rains, snows etc, it stays in one place and becomes extreme. So extreme that flood defences won’t stop it. If we will remain in His presence (soaking yes but also in whatever situation we are in, sport, shopping, family etc, then we will remain there and the presence of God will become extreme. This is when the things we have been praying about over the last 5 years will start to happen. However if you move out from under His presence then it will dissipate and have to start again.

Picture of a tunnel similar to an oceanarium, where you walk through a tunnel with the fish swimming around and above you.  But this path was shining white and ahead was a brilliant light.  All around (like the fish) was darkness and in the darkness were scenes of war, violence, evil, demons, occasional swords came through the wall at me, however God said, focus on the light, when all seems dark, focus on the light, do not look to the left or the right. If you focus on the light nothing will harm you, nothing will move you, focus and walk, all will be well with you, I have saved you, you belong to me, I am God. You have been snatched from the clutches of the enemy, he has no power or authority over you. Speak to the mountains and they will move, they must move because I am God.  Just trust and believe, all will be well with your soul.

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord

Be still and know that I am God.

We don’t know what God is like – asking God and he said, relax and let me show you.

Wednesday 7.30pm.

 Psalm 23

Picture of a waterfall, you have options, you can view it from afar, you can view it from close up, you can view it from above but danger of being swept over, you can stand behind it and feel the power, OR you can stand under it and be part of it. If the waterfall became fire – how close would you get, will you dare to stand under it?

Picture of a bag of cement a bag of sand and a jug of water. None are any good without the other. The sand is the people, the cement the bible (Word of God), the water the Holy Spirit, If we will get into His word and allow the Holy Spirit in then it will build a firm foundation upon which God can build. Psalm 34

Picture of golden oil being poured from a golden jug, representing God’s love being poured over us, we were dripping with it, it was seeping into us, we are paddling in it.

Picture of a trouser pocket, there is a hand in the pocket holding a conker in a shell, spikes and all, when the hand is taken out and opened the conker went off like a firework that went everywhere. Holding onto the conker, in the dark, is painful, like our sin, let it out into the light and we will explode like a firework amongst the people.

You are the rock on which we stand, all around is sinking sand.

Picture of a barrier, like a dam, over the world,  as we surrender to Christ then a brick comes out of the barrier and lets the water flow out, the more people give their lives to Christ the more bricks get displaced until the dam collapses. Second picture of a black sheet which when there is a pin prick in it, it lets the light through, similarly the more pin pricks the more light until the sheet collapses.

Need to reflect, saw a picture of a shield so highly polished that whoever looked into it could see themselves. It will reveal to them who they really are not who they think they are. We need to spend time with him so we can become more like Him and reflect Him so that people see Him in us and begin to face the truth of what they are really like. As they see this they will want to change and I felt God was saying we will be His tools to use to help others come out of darkness into light.  Picture of a person dressed all in white coming out of the darkness. Felt God say that this is what He wants to use us for – to bring people out of the darkness into His light. Picture of a plane taking off, felt God was saying we will be used for this in many places not just here.

Picture of an amphitheatre, with a centre stage. Those who were willing to do what God asked were on the stage, it was surrounded by seats with people saying, “what’s going on?”,  God says amongst them are some of my people, these people are mocking those on the stage. Its decision time, will we get up and go on the stage if we are not there already?  Do you know God well enough to get up and stand on the stage and possibly be mocked?  Gradually some people started to join those on the stage.

Thursday 1pm  - Phil 4 v 4-9

God said, as we go on there will be times when it will become tough and seem pointless, sometimes seems like we are going nowhere, going through the motions, He says, keep going through the motions, and wait for me.

Picture of a balloon on a string, held by a child skipping along all happy, but they let it slip through their fingers, it’s fun at first to see it float away, then there is sadness and loss but then its forgotten. God says, hold on, don’t let go.

Delight in me my yoke and burden is light. Rejoice in me.  Yes rejoice in me for I have overcome the world. You may not understand - but know that I am God. The world is not your home and they may not understand you - but I am with you - your rock and your shield.  Do not fear the arrows that come by day or the pestilence that stalks but night. I am your hope and your salvation, your joy and peace. Be still and know that I am God.

This is a new day, a new beginning, a lightness of heart, a soaring of your spirits.  Come to me and I will lead you.  Talk with me and I will guide you.  Continually desire My presence.  It’s the only place that you will know My thoughts and really speak My words.  Come to the still quiet waters, sit awhile and refresh yourselves.  My still small voice is ever present.  Drink my words, words of life for you.  I am the all-encompassing God who desires your all.  I gave my all for you and desire all in return.  My Children I am for you, come rest, not just today but tomorrow and all your tomorrows.  My heart beats for you, come that your hearts would beat in rhythm with mine.  I am going to sweep you off your feet and embrace you.  This I promise – these are not just words but they’re promises.   I miss you when you wander away, stay close to me.  Closeness, unity, peace and calm, those you will need.  Seek me out, seek me out.  As you seek me and find me others will seek you.  They will see me in you and they will want the refreshing that they see you have.  Guide them; teach them, they are in pain, thirsty and uncomfortable.  They need me.  No one is too lost to find me.  Proverbs 14:1

I will never leave you or forsake you.  God is like a rushing wind washing over us with His mighty power, strength and love.

Many will say “Lord, Lord” –“ but I never knew them and they never took the time to really know Me.  It was all for them.  Now is the time to get to really know Me.  Not who you think I am but who I really am”.  It’s time to take the veils from our eyes and see things as they really are.  Are we a sheep or a goat?  The decision to become a sheep is on us – which way will your decision go?

I see shackles being lifted off; they will stay off if we stay focused on Him and don’t look to the left or to the right.

Thursday, 7.30pm.

Phil 4:4-9

Laughing, laughing like the laughing policeman, infectious, other people start joining in laughing – that’s how we should be with Jesus, infectious so people can’t help themselves but want to join in.

Smiling uses less muscles than frowning – so why don’t we smile more often – I’ve tried smiling at people and most of them crack and smile back – its infectious, we need to hang in there even when times are hard, not to be unreal, in denial, but knowing that Jesus is in charge, in control, even though it may not appear so on the surface.

God brought to mind this word which we had highlighted to us last year.

“I saw a vision of a painting on a wall in a gallery:  a dark and bleak landscape, rugged hills with turbulent cloudy skies and painted in heavy colours with layer upon layer of thick brush strokes.  Perhaps it was the work of an ‘Old Master’ – it was certainly worth stopping to scrutinise.  The frame was large and ornate.  I sat in front of the painting and tried to see if I could recognise the countryside in the picture but it was impossible to discern much more than rock, moorland and thick, thick cloud.  Even standing right up close to the artwork didn’t reveal much more.  I gave up.  And then I heard the words, “Glory, glory, glory!  Glory to the Lord God Almighty!”  As my spirit joined in with this heavenly roar, a bright light, like sunshine, filled the gallery.  I looked again at the painting itself, like a bright sun in the sky, shining on the landscape.  Now the painting took on a 3-dimensional aspect, much more of the land was illuminated and bright.  The more God was glorified in praise, the more I could see – further and further, deeper and deeper …. Until the horizon was clear and discernible.  May you find ways to glorify God when your horizon seems murky and hard to discern.  As you do, you will enjoy a deeper view of the great life that He has given you!”.

Picture of a bandstand by the sea. In the bandstand was a white tepee, as I approached the flaps of the tepee spread out and I felt enveloped, safe , secure.

Overwhelming sense of peace, frozen landscape but as it gradually thawed the river grew larger and larger as it became a raging torrent.

My peace I give to you, not as the world gives.

What is it that you desire?  Look into your hearts because I have placed My desires there and they have become your desire – Look into your hearts – what is your desire? 

Look to the North, to the South, the East and the West.  It doesn’t matter where you look I am there.  I never change.  I am constant.  My Word is true and constant – there to guide you through all of your lives – whatever you go through.  Will you seek Me?  If you seek Me you will find Me.  All you need is to know Me and to love Me.  I will not hide Myself from you.  Picture of a signpost – look to Me I am your signpost – north, south, east or west I will guide you.  Trust Me My children.

Friday 1pm.

1 Thess 5 v 14-22

Picture of Jesus, he had on a long red and gold flowing priestly garment, as I looked at him he shot upwards and started to dance in the air, twirling and dancing, He was doing it because he was so pleased we had come together to meet him - he was mega happy.

Picture of the dance from the snowman, abandoned in the pleasure of being in his presence.

Whilst waiting at Heathrow a man came out draped in the North Korean flag he was jumping and dancing and praising God for being free in the UK.

Christmas tree with all the decorations on, then a hand came down, picked up the tree and turned it upside down and shook it until all the decoration fell off. He doesn’t want the bells and whistles, just the real thing.

Obedience!  I desire Obedience.  As you obey and walk with me so I will raise you up to fly like eagles.

Come up here.  Come up here.  I want to spend time with you.  I love it when you invite me to come and be with you and now I am inviting you to come and spend time with me.  Come up here.

Picture of waves lapping at the shore.  A sense of eternity and the passing of time. The waves are constant for as long as the sea remains; the coastline changes but the waves still lap the shore.  Felt God say “I AM the same yesterday, today and forever. In an ever changing world I AM constant.”  Longevity; “Whenever you look at my face I will be the same, you can trust in Me. It is very important that you know this truth, you are going to need to be strong”  A sense of complete peace.

Be still and know that I am God

Angels are dancing, excited for us.

Warning, be constantly in support of one another, coming together, holding each other up. Picture of a ship and one of the lifeboats with the tarpaulin across it, it lifts up a little and two eyes peer out. - be aware you are being watched by the enemy, they are looking for any opportunity.  Look to Me only – obedience.