Week of prayer, May 2012

(all the words given need to be prayed through carefully)


Time of celebration and giving thanks for all God has done in and through us.

Words given for the Fellowship:-

Tornedo – path of destruction but it goes around us, causing people to ask “why?”, not so much the meeting place , but goes around our lives. It’s about trusting Him, not reacting like headless chickens, knowing that He is faithful and will protect us.

Outbreak of Healing, Break down of spiritual walls, Breakthrough of kingdom freedom

I am the bus driver, I haven’t relinquished my role, I am still the driving force, I will lead. Will you continue to follow? The bus seems to be going in a straight line and then it starts turning in a circle. I will take you back so that you don’t miss anything I have for you. Then the bus carries on straight again.

Trumpet of victory heralding the “King is coming”, we are like an orchestra, each individual instrument but coming together under God’s conducting.

You have been faithful as a fellowship; I will shower you with blessings but be careful not to grieve Him.

Tuesday - Bless me indeed

Health, Long life,

Picture of children running around having fun and laughing (felt we are the children)

Picture of a bus full of people , hanging on the sides and on the roof.

House of Obed Edom, in the same way that he was blessed when the ark was in his house, so others in the MCC will be blessed because God is with us.

Family coming into the fullness of the kingdom,

Picture of a dark sky, breaking with light starting to shine through.

He was giving us shoes that never wear out.

“keep asking, keep walking in my footsteps, keep asking. I don’t want to stop blessing you. Only one thing can get in the way – sin”

We need to become a people of joyful abandon to God whatever is happening around us. Praise should be our first language more than any other.

God wants to bless our family members who do not know Him or the fullness of Him.

Picture of sitting on a beach with sand in our toes, content, Ps 139, blessing and encouragement.

Freedom from lies,

Picture of a plane having just landed and we stepped off into exotic places and far flung destinations.

Gold dust, gold teeth, why not rubies and diamonds, don’t limit your requests, far bigger than you can imagine. I am much bigger than you can imagine.

Explosion and fireworks spreading out, dispersion through us to other people.

Mountain climbing – a picture of a mountain (farr off) – two small figures climbing it. Wind swirling snow falling. The bottom climber is roped to the top climber. Looking closer they have crampons on their feet and are dressed appropriately. Picture is about “asking” (help when needed), “being reliant” (as individuals looking after the other person and being willing to ask for help), “accountability” (the rope means you are accountable to that individual). Clothe yourself appropriately (not physically) but protect each other – team work.

Picture again and said Holy Spirit is your guide, you are the bottom climber, you are attached (filled with the spirit) Keep attached, keep talking, keep staying close I will not fail you. Even in the difficult place.Be prepared and clothed.

Romans 1v11, Impart means to give or share – some have gifts they’ve been given but are too frightened to use them – some have gifts but aren’t sure what to do with them – these gifts need to be exercised and grown (cultivated) – there are so many more gifts He has for us. We need to be bold and ask for the desires of our hearts. – Are we wearing the appropriate clothing, forgiving, loving, peacemakers.

Picture of a big milling wheel coming down on the top of us, grinding out the ggodness from the chaff, when it lifts we are still praising Him.

Be a light to the world.

Picture of being flushed down a flume, a bit like the advert of the man on a roller coaster going to work. Its fun and its fast. The water is God’s holy spirit flushing us through the enclosed clear flume. Our choice is do we go down or not? Are we frightened? If so why?

You don’t get because you don’t ask, when you ask me you get and then get scared and shy away. Trust me. I will not harm you.

Wednesday - Enlarge our Territory

Picture of flower seeds being scattered by the wind and birds, there will be a natural unplanned expansion,

Where you put your feet I will give you the land, if you go where I show you.

A bus-pass for the world,

Old suitcase covered in labels of foreign lands,

You don’t get because you don’t ask – James 4. When we ask we are almost frightened to expect because of disappointment – so it doesn’t happen – unbelief.

What do you want enlarged – Effect on the community, outreach – here and abroad, healings, miracles, conversions, faith.

Picture of lots of different images, cat, dog, fish etc. You have lots of different faces for different circumstances – you need to decide who you are and then I will start to use you. (individually and corporately)

Picture of a rose in a vase, As a rose sucks up water its starts to open up, so it should be with us and the Holy spirit.

Picture of an aid shelter, a refugee centre, Christians coming to us who are broken, more and more, it will be a place of healing, wholeness and peace.

Sense of a need to really press into, lay hold of what we believe our purpose is rather than just letting it happen.

Picture of children, crowds of them playing with balloons, We must be like children

In enlarging our territory don’t think of diverse streams but a deeper broader stream into a river etc.

Don’t panic if people are in the guards van rather than the engine, at least they are on the train. Patricia Bootsma at PIH said, don’t worry about who isn’t at a meeting, give thanks for those that come. Mission, don’t worry about who doesn’t go, be excited about those that do.
Thursday - Your hand be with us

During the worship, a picture of angels standing around joining in with our praises

I am never going to let you go, I will never leave you or forsake you.

Picture of a chariot with many horse pulling, and a dog sled with the dogs pulling, in each case with the driver at the back, God said “it will not be like that, I will lead and not drive,

Open your eyes and see, those who are blind are blindly led but I have given you eyes to see, open them and see, watch, listen and learn.

Potters wheel with a lump of clay on it, “I am the potter you are the clay, I am making you”

A potter crafts the clay to vessels of honour and dis-honour, our desire should be for honour.

We are a pair of gloves that He wears and moves us, we have no real life of our own until He puts us on.

Psalm 45, We are the pen He writes with, a pen has no life of its own until the writer picks it up.

Picture of us in a circle in the MCC (like Sunday) His hand is over us with lightening coming from it. He says, “I am always with you” “stay with me”,

Gal 5 24 Keep in step

Picture of a train going through arid places, train full of children, like a holocaust death camp train, then of a nun walking the other way down the track, leading the children out. (Thought that these were people fo the world, going to destruction and we can lead them out).

Picture of a great big hand – we were on different fingers, doing different things – all have a role to play – coming from the palm to the fingers, if your not sure go back to the palm, you are still in His hand.

Friday – Keep us from Evil

Prayed for each member of the fellowship according to known needs
